Monthly Archives: June 2015


DC amnesty advocates (including Boehner’s!) debate whether Jeb! or Hillary’s more likely to give them what they want…

| 10 years ago on Twitter


Poll question says Supreme Ct. “ruled that same sex marriages SHOULD be legal in all 50 states.” Should say MUST no?

| 10 years ago on Twitter


“I need you, Mickey” — @MikeNeedham‘s email solicitations getting a little SSM-y. In step with fast-changing Modern America!

| 10 years ago on Twitter


Libel note-She’s public figure now no? “[Chelsea’s] stepping out as an early key surrogate for her mother’s campaign”

| 10 years ago on Twitter


Jonathan Cohn reminds of another time GOP establishment declared an issue settled but found out it wasn’t: Obamacare!

| 10 years ago on Twitter


Today’s #slatepitch: Actually, Justice Roberts got it right every time!

| 10 years ago on Twitter


If you looked around the world, you’d say the cutting edge, happening thing is anti-migration backlash, no?

| 10 years ago on Twitter


News from LA: “Turf Terminators Has Gotten Rich Turning Yards Into Gravel, but Is It Creating Blight?” [Yes]…

| 10 years ago on Twitter


Area Man, Florida Man, and the Nearest Hippie walk into a bar …

| 10 years ago on Twitter


Obamacare just doesn’t do enough for middle class. That, not SCOTUS, always the biggest threat.…

| 10 years ago on Twitter


“8.) No candidate will ever get anywhere by saying even a single nice word about Common Core. Ever.”…

| 10 years ago on Twitter


So much investment capital sloshing around promising firms don’t have to do IPOs anymore?…

| 10 years ago on Twitter


If the Roe model is followed (may not be), anti-SSMers will be politically
galvanized & pro-SSMers prematurely lulled

| 10 years ago on Twitter


Democrats were going to use SSM as a “wedge” in 2016? Base-rousing, sure. But wedge?

| 10 years ago on Twitter


Could a state abolish marriage altogether? (You’re on your own!) That’d test the “right to marry.” Useful hypthetical

| 10 years ago on Twitter


Has Kennedy’s opinion replaced 50 years of doctrine on Equal Protection/Due Process w/ a mushy balancing test?

| 10 years ago on Twitter


“Infrastructure investment” is to Democrats what “tax cuts” have been to GOPs–and that’s not a compliment.…

| 10 years ago on Twitter

22 The Poverty of Infrastructure

Oops! We forgot the workers! Jonathan Alter more or less admits that Obama has failed on what must be his deepest long-term priority — namely, reversing (or beginning to reverse)  the ” financial and emotional body blows inflicted on organized labor and middle-class Americans in recent decades.” According to Alter, Obama needs to “deliver something big for working people who don’t see much for themselves in trade deals,” not to mention his permissive immigration plans.

Alter’s answer? An infrastructure program! “Obama should devote the rest of 2015 on the domestic side to finding the money for infrastructure.” It’s not stimulus, says Alter –it’s a “jobs program.” Maybe Obama could unlock “$1 trillion … over 10  years for rebuilding the roads, bridges, tunnels, airports, rails and sewage system.”

So who gets the jobs? Well,  construction workers — specifically, the program could “propel a whole generation of older displaced construction workers to retirement with some dignity.” OK. But what about the rest of us — all the other non-rich strugglers who also aren’t “symbolic analysts” (in Robert Reich’s phrase), who often have to compete with all the physical laborers on the planet?  And even a trillion dollars over 10 years isn’t all that much ($100 billion a year).

Is “infrastructure investment” becoming the Democrats’ version of tax cuts — a completely inadequate, go-to answer that mostly demonstrates the numbing poverty of the party’s policy agenda? You make the call!

P.S.: In the infrastructure/tax cut comparison, construction workers perform the same role as Mitt Romney’s small business owner “job creators.” Sure, we want to help them. But most people aren’t business owners. They aren’t construction workers either. …

Off-point, but …: Alter also seems to think that, if the trade deal removes “Vietnam’s 80 percent tariff on U.S. autos,” Detroit will somehow start selling U-S made cars in that Asian country (“jobs for Detroit autoworkers”). This is insane — a sign of a journalist tossing in White House talking points without thinking.  Without tariffs, Vietnam’s market will undoubtedly be served, not by U.S.-made cars but by inexpensive vehicles built in low-wage countries like India, China and Vietnam itself. The Vietnamese aren’t going to start buying Cadillacs. (Nobody seems to be buying Cadillacs, but that’s a separate issue.)


He doesn’t want me to debate. He wants Coulter and Andreessen to debate. So do I. Pay-per-view.…

| 10 years ago on Twitter


Obamacare lurches on. Obamnesty still jammed. It’s all going according to plan.

| 10 years ago on Twitter