14 .@deanbaquet: Are you trying to elect Marco Rubio? Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related 8 Theories in Search of an EstablishmentJanuary 25, 2016With 87 commentsHype/mischaracterization of "the 68 Percent" more...January 23, 2016In "Twitter"Waiting for @StephenfHayes to say 'Marco Rubio is...March 22, 2016In "Twitter"
@kausmickey ? isn’t how much Rubio’s yacht cost, ? is how much Walker/Rubio paying @deanbaquet to publish this stuff.
@kausmickey @deanbaquet Certainly must be more than the WJC Foundation gave the Times.
Marco Rubio’s bold fiscal philosophy: spend furiously, get-rich-quick!
@kausmickey @Glaivester @deanbaquet Pathetically the GOP could have a Marco-Jeb ticket and would still not get a Hispanic majority vote.
@kausmickey @continetti @deanbaquet Hope so. Too bad Times has nil power in that regard.