34 Here’s the real, disqualifying Rubio scandal: His lies about his “gang of 8” bill dailycaller.com/2013/04/22/did… Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related MSM out 2 get Trump-if was big scandal we'd've hea...February 19, 2016In "Twitter"Twitter equivalent of a @Gladwell…August 10, 2019In "Twitter"Trump's not a pro. Not on message. Doesn't underst...July 8, 2016In "Twitter"
@kausmickey @AceofSpadesHQ Isn’t this pretty much exactly what we were told caused Rubio to pull out of Gang of 8?
@kausmickey @AceofSpadesHQ something from 2013? which is not his stance today… And was why he pulled out of the gang of 8!! Get it right
@kausmickey @Glaivester Yes, the amnesty plan that was NOT an amnesty plan! All 8 must be defeated.