Donors Choose — Badly! Huffington Post‘s poll of 500 GOP “activists” shows Jeb in miserable shape. He’s in sixth place, named as first or second choice by less than 15% of the activists. Some 47% have an unfavorable opinion of him, and more then 1 in 4 say Bush (like Trump) is someone “they’d never vote for and that they’d be angry to see nominated.” So is it possible that a) Jeb can’t win but b) GOP donors have just given $100 million to a giant “independent” Death-Star-like SuperPAC that will inevitably spend much of it tearing down the Republican candidates (e.g. Walker, Rubio) who could win? Oops.
Possibilities: How Jeb’s $100M SuperPac could hurt the GOP …
Possibility #1: How Jeb Can Hurt the GOP
.@RealDonaldTrump Possibility #1: How Jeb Can Hurt the GOP #TRUMP #TRUMP2016 #TCOT #TeaParty #TGDN Liberals scheming.
Did GOP donors fund a $100M Death Star?
How Jeb! can hurt the GOP RT @kausmickey: Did GOP donors fund a $100M Death Star?
@norm_1142 Except there’s this:
[…] Related: How Jeb Can Hurt The GOP. […]
Jeb runs far behind in poll of GOP activists, but he sits on $100 million war chest could cripple Walker or Rubio.