Don’t understand why ¡Jeb! has to worry about donors stopping flow of checks. He already has plenty of money, no? theatlantic.com/politics/archi…
Don’t understand why ¡Jeb! has to worry about donors stopping flow of checks. He already has plenty of money, no? theatlantic.com/politics/archi…
@kausmickey @instapundit Burning through it like gas in an SUV.
@kausmickey outflow, think of all the consultants Jeb! has
@kausmickey He ain’t got that TRUMP money!
@kausmickey @FieldRoamer no , #JebBush needs to back out of the race , he is a liberal in hiding #VoteTrump2016
@kausmickey But the flow could go to others and allow Christie and Paul to stay in race and be big pains in the ass.
@kausmickey @k_mcq Yes the Bush dynasty has been in long enough! No more BUSH!!!