Seems so not smart of ¡Jeb! to attack the Wall part of Trump’s immig plans as opposed to the “leave & come back” part politico.com/story/2015/08/…
Seems so not smart of ¡Jeb! to attack the Wall part of Trump’s immig plans as opposed to the “leave & come back” part politico.com/story/2015/08/…
@kausmickey @EliStokols lot of small tactical errors on his part over these last few months. Wonder if they add up.
@kausmickey The wall is evidence they take us seriously. Jeb doesn’t take it seriously, as he and Carlos Slim want open borders.
@kausmickey I’m old enough to remember when ¡Jeb! was considered the smart Bush. Trump is making him look like a stiff.
@kausmickey Thanks for making a “¡Jeb!” Great public service.
@kausmickey @instapundit I don’t think anybody is surprised when a Bush does something that is “not smart”!
@kausmickey @EliStokols Jeb do you really know what comprehensive means? I guess my soap & water didn’t scrub your brain out good enough
@kausmickey @EliStokols You think you are fooling all these good people aren’t you Jeb? Letting killers & rapists & gangs stay here.
@kausmickey @instapundit @EliStokols #JebForPresidentOfMexico
@kausmickey Jebs just vamping. Both right & left attacking him on immigration, and he’s all like WTF, people actually care about this shit?
@kausmickey @instapundit @EliStokols Jeb has to retake the 9th grade. Who says he’s so smart.
@kausmickey I’m old enough to remember when a bill was passed w/$$ for a “wall” wonder where that money went. #SecureFenceAct2006