After promising start on immigration, @ScottWalker seems like deer in headlights. Suspect they’re donor headlghts! twitter.com/ByronYork/stat…
After promising start on immigration, @ScottWalker seems like deer in headlights. Suspect they’re donor headlghts! twitter.com/ByronYork/stat…
Voters may ask: Will a candidate worried about “friction w/ our 3d largest trading partner” *ever* secure the border? politico.com/story/2015/08/…
FYI: Here — from Politico itself — is what actually happened at my last gig politico.com/blogs/media/20… twitter.com/MarcACaputo/st…
“It’s too late for soft soap now” twitter.com/MarcACaputo/st…
Here’s the item that set @MarcACaputo off on this orgy of maturity. kausfiles.com/2015/08/23/470… U make the call! twitter.com/MarcACaputo/st…
Seems so not smart of ¡Jeb! to attack the Wall part of Trump’s immig plans as opposed to the “leave & come back” part politico.com/story/2015/08/…
Don’t understand why ¡Jeb! has to worry about donors stopping flow of checks. He already has plenty of money, no? theatlantic.com/politics/archi…
Is Facebook in the speech suppression business? washex.am/1ha0n7U via @dcexaminer
Gloves off at @politico! (This is author of that Jeb!-greaser politico.com/story/2015/08/…) #subtle twitter.com/MarcACaputo/st…
Did Facebook label Center for Immig Studies reports “abuse” because they weren’t PC? Or because they weren’t ZC? cis.org/cis/facebook-b…
How much more evidence to we need that Facebook is a large, ongoing threat to First Amendment values and practice? cis.org/cis/facebook-b…
Was FB ban of Zuck opponents a) tech. error b) bias built into software c) eager FB thought police? a) least likely cis.org/cis/facebook-b…
Evidence contradicts Facebook explanation that job report erroneously blocked b/c “malicious” (as opposed 2 “abuse”) cis.org/cis/facebook-b…
Center for Immig. Studies waited 10 days while petitioning Facebook to end its ban? Way more patient than I’d be.
Facebook says it didn’t censor opponents of Zuck immig. views. Was just “error in the system.” Does anyone believe?
Key issue is if Trump wld only start his “touchback” amnesty AFTER enforcement measures are fully/securely in place. numbersusa.com/blog/trump-wal…
Next step in Pence-ish “touchback” plans, of course, is to relax the “touchback” requirement. alipac.us/f12/tancredo-r…
So Trump’ll throw GOP establishment into “touchback” amnesty briar patch they wanted in 2006?wsj.com/articles/SB122… twitter.com/johndickerson/…
Biden-Jarrett ’16: “Eliminate the middleman!”
Isn’t Trump’s go home/come back plan rewarding people who’ve jumped the line? “Well, you could say that.” [@2:43] twitter.com/johndickerson/…
So when he stopped talking about immigration and started talking about himself, the crowd started to leave? … natl.re/x2ByMN
Seems a bit extreme/”It will likely be another August before anyone can rate her chances ..” newyorker.com/magazine/2015/…
HELLO?// “[Hillary] is a formidable campaigner … comfortable with confrontation” newyorker.com/magazine/2015/… via @NewYorker
Politico has a habit of credulously printing sources’ spin with little or no counter-commentary. It’s a service they provide! Here’s Exhibit #27,593. … I suppose the argument is that if Politico reporters showed skepticism — or called the other side(s) for comment — then the sources wouldn’t give them the story in the first place, and Politico‘s readers would never learn that Bush aides aren’t panicking about the Trump surge because (Reason #4) “no other Republican candidate can match [Jeb’s] record as governor.” He was known as “Veto Corleone!” ….