If you support Trump on immigration, aren’t you just going to tell a reporter “He tells it like it is” w/o specifics? nyti.ms/1Psaj7L
If you support Trump on immigration, aren’t you just going to tell a reporter “He tells it like it is” w/o specifics? nyti.ms/1Psaj7L
NYT on why voters support Trump: It’s not inchoate “anger and angst.” It’s something even more inchoate! nyti.ms/1Psaj7L
Don’t see a lot of science in this piece! Coupla quotes and a poll. Accompanying video suggests it’s immigration! twitter.com/ByronYork/stat…
Yes, but has Cruz pushed his more-legal-immigration point recently? (i.e. since Trump started surging?) twitter.com/DomenicoNPR/st…
V-weak evidence here that Asian vote turns on immig. (as opposed to, say, perceived GOP anti-science attitudes) slate.com/articles/news_…
Hillary Clinton’s campaign probably thought it a brilliant move when she ‘went big’ on immigration in May, pledging to out-amnesty President Obama by extending the latter’s (now-stalled) executive amnesty to the parents of so-called “Dreamers” (undocumented immigrants brought over the border as children by … well, their parents). One of the challenges Hillary faces, after all, is preserving enough of the Obama coalition to win. She might not replicate Obama’s turnout of African-Americans — but she could maybe make up for it by increasing the Democratic “lock” on the growing Latino vote.
That’s the theory. But now Donald Trump’s campaign is demonstrating that opposition to illegal immigration is much deeper and more salient in the population at large than many analysts thought. Hillary does need some non-Latino voters! The more the better, in fact. In the past she might have appealed to them with a few Clintonian feints in their direction — saying she was “adamantly against illegal immigration,” waffling on the drivers’ license issue, saying unaccompanied minors streaming across the border “should be sent back,” or complaining about the hiring of people on street corners “waiting to get picked up to go do yard work and construction work,” all of which she’s done in the past. But now Hillary’s so far out on the pro-illegal please-Rep. Gutierrez limb she can’t make these obvious moves without seeming to flip-flop — double-crossing, or at least brutally disappointing Latino immigration activists. …
This could win it for him twitter.com/costareports/s…
Brilliant @murphymike easter egg to draw attention to mailer & bait racists-or revealing F-up? U make the call! twitter.com/nickgillespie/…
Who says the Trump campaign isn’t about telling voters hard truths? twitter.com/costareports/s…
“His speech focused heavily on illegal immigration … ” This is getting hard to deny! wpo.st/KSLW0
Remember, in @TheAtlantic headline writers’ foundationy world, doing what voters and not donors want is “pandering” theatlantic.com/politics/archi…
Has Trump (perhaps because free of donors, or accidentally) hit the Mo Tucker sweet spot?dailycaller.com/2014/10/09/moe… twitter.com/costareports/s…
.@politico “Insiders”–7/24 “Trump Has Peaked” 8/14 “Trump Can’t Win” 8/24 “Enough Already” #makingfoolsofthemselves politico.com/story/2015/07/…
Cunning Trump strategy: Win early primaries, then win later primaries/”Trump zeroes in on victory strategy” thehill.com/blogs/ballot-b…
¡Jeb! thinks he can get Trumpy votes by defending phrase “anchor babies”? Classic Bush to think base are cheap dates wpo.st/XBIW0
Definitely needs that “?” in the hed/”Is Ted Cruz shifting right on immigration to match Donald Trump?” washex.am/1Pqg0TU
NO KIDDING-“This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP & its owners” bv.ms/1E75vUI
Special Report: 3 Shocking Immigration Trends shar.es/1tPwxf
Here’s Vin Weber quoted as a Jeb! Bush adviser as recently as June washingtonpost.com/politics/how-j… But for Trump bashing purposes we keep that quiet
Vin Weber also apparently is a lobbyist for the anti-gay Ugandan government. buzzfeed.com/lesterfeder/ug… So we know he can’t be bought.
Here’s Vin Weber signing on as Jeb! Bush adviser washingtonpost.com/news/post-poli… But for Trump-bashing purposes he’s just ex-Romney adviser
Vin Weber, who trashes Trump in this @alexanderbolton piece, is a Jeb! Bush adviser but not identified as such thehill.com/homenews/campa…
I was going to mock this item, but it IS interesting (i.e. risky) that Cruz has enlisted McDaniel dailycaller.com/2015/08/17/fro… via @DailyCaller
I once heard Vin Weber say he couldn’t imagine how you could be for free movement of goods and not of people. I can! (So can many voters)
IF THIS IS THE BEST THEY’VE GOT .. Shocker: Amnesty-pushing Romney advisers don’t like Trump thehill.com/homenews/campa…