Even the decidedly non-ant-iinterventionist @davidfrum thinks Rubio’s anti-Russian red line in Syria is crazy twitter.com/davidfrum/stat…
Even the decidedly non-ant-iinterventionist @davidfrum thinks Rubio’s anti-Russian red line in Syria is crazy twitter.com/davidfrum/stat…
@kausmickey @davidfrum i’d rather save america’s war capabilities on something as serious as china’s territorial grabbing at south china sea
@kausmickey @davidfrum ‘non-anti-interventionist’ – is that passive aggressive?
Russia is “great white defendant” of world baddies. I think US military would have more COs then for Vietnam. Also may reflect unique Cuban exile antipathy to predatory regime of recent times.
@kausmickey @davidfrum the little bugger wants to look tough by sounding like a war monger.
@kausmickey @davidfrum Stop hitting OUR al-Qaeda or it’s World War III
@kausmickey Boy you are desperately afraid of Rubio!