Ryan’s plan seems based on misguided libertarian idea that you can give people dole as long as you provide marginal incentives to work
Ryan’s plan seems based on misguided libertarian idea that you can give people dole as long as you provide marginal incentives to work
@kausmickey how do you know that’s misguided? we’ve always had high implicit marginal tax rates on the poor by phasing out benefits quickly
@kausmickey What makes you think it’s that, vs. political pragmatism? (this is a real question, not a comment)
How many of us want to live in neighborhoods where people have marginal incentives to work?
They already exist; its not some new idea.
@kausmickey I’m a libertarian and skeptical about GI – bottom rung will just blow the money. Guaranteed minimal housing&food would be better
@kausmickey Food stamps already gamed, of course, but not a huge problem.