Hillary’s Marco Nightmare … Marco’s Narco Nightmare! politico.com/magazine/story… OK maybe not a nightmare. But problem twitter.com/TheBrodyFile/s…
Hillary’s Marco Nightmare … Marco’s Narco Nightmare! politico.com/magazine/story… OK maybe not a nightmare. But problem twitter.com/TheBrodyFile/s…
@kausmickey You’re confusing me.
@kausmickey @politico @TheBrodyFile The real talent of @marcorubio is lying about securing America’s borders.
@kausmickey Rubio is not gonna sell in general.
@conservativelez @kausmickey @TheBrodyFile @marcorubio Honest quest.,so his posted immig. plan includes seal border, u think is all a lie.
@kausmickey stop being so cryptic. Go ahead and.make up a good rumor from “sources say” & get it over with. Couldn’t you find a mugshot ??
@kausmickey Interesting timing
@kausmickey Rubio will be Rick Lazio 2.0