47 Where in the world is Rubio’s immigration policy? It ain’t on his web site marcorubio.com/issues/ Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey @slone Rubio is owned by the donor class. https://t.co/yaNdZULufB
Can someone from the senators team reply to this inquiry, please?
@kausmickey @slone
@kausmickey “End Sanctuary Cities and bring back the rule of law” https://t.co/S2DEwqnxs1
@kausmickey it looks to be semi-explained under sanctuary cities, if you want to ignore things like border security and amnesty
@kausmickey Our guy Rubio supports “fair”, “common sense”, “comprehensive” immigration reform. That’s why he’s our frontrunner!
“@kausmickey @slone” MT@jonburtonhx: Rubio’s New Billionaire Backer Funds Open Borders https://t.co/Yta6C7uiB6 Close enuff? #NoAmnesty
@kausmickey open the borders and lt more illegal immigrants in.
@kausmickey that’s why you probably can’t find it. He has to pay back billionaire backers and provide them with cheap labor and can’t tell
@kausmickey He claimed that he first wants to shut the border and then talk about comprehensive immigration reform. i.e. – more of the same.
@kausmickey simple it’s called amnesty!
@kausmickey so you have moved from Ryan to Rubio. You are a Democrat – focus on Hillarys immigration plan – which is citizenship for all
@kausmickey It disappeared because the GOP base doesn’t agree
@kausmickey In an envelope, close to his vest.
@kausmickey https://t.co/nk7rWYljkl
@kausmickey @HouseCracka
Didnt Jeb & Rubio meet a month ago? Jeb may be attacking Rubio to get conservs to rally around Rubio. SETUP
@kausmickey duh????
@kausmickey @heidi10usa If it was on his web site you might find it and read it