Real nat’l dialogue on immigration wld discuss points raised in @AnnCoulter‘s tweets, not bipartisanly say “Shut up” thehill.com/blogs/blog-bri…
Real nat’l dialogue on immigration wld discuss points raised in @AnnCoulter‘s tweets, not bipartisanly say “Shut up” thehill.com/blogs/blog-bri…
@kausmickey What dialogue? @AnnCoulter proposed deporting a natural born US Citizen. No dialogue needed, she can shut up.
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter @instapundit Let’s get to the history and law to be debated & just pretend those barbs against Haley never happened.
@kausmickey No “real” dialogue would bother with @AnnCoulter at all. C’mon Mickey. Jesus…
Hayley’s no immig but plays one on TV. It’s Nikki’s swarthy Ellis Island waif persona that @AnnCoulter impishly seeks deported.