Like many others, I’m not sure the latest Trump vs. FOX fight is quite over. (One obvious way to grease a face-saving deal is for Fox to agree to give a few millionin profits to a veterans’ charity.) But here’s my framework for thinking about it.
1. Fox isn’t a “news network” like other news networks. Never has been. The left is right about this. If the Obama White House calls CBS and says it doesn’t like commentator X, CBS will politely tell the White House to f— off. If a Bush White House (or, one suspects, a Rubio White House) calls Roger Ailes and says it doesn’t like pundit X, pundit X is likely to disappear from Fox.**
2. Fox favors immigration amnesty. Not uniformly, of course. But do you think it was an accident when every Fox primetime anchor, including Hannity, came out for amnesty after the 2012 election? See here for more of this argument. Since Trump is in the process of wrecking the GOP elite’s plans for amnesty, you wouldn’t expect Fox to be friendly to him.
3. In the first GOP debate, back in August, Fox appeared to make an executive decision to take Trump out. The tell wasn’t in Megyn Kelly’s questions, which were in-bounds, but the post-debate Fox spin, featuring bizarre repeated predictions that Trump was of course now finished.
4. Trump then picked a fairly nasty fight with Kelly, with Ailes basically backing down, embarrassing her. She has ample reason for animus against Trump. I leave it to viewers of her show to decide if she has given effect to that animus over the past months. Many kausfiles commenters seem to think she has, but others say no.
5. You ordinarily don’t want a candidate to be able to create a conflict of interest simply by attacking a journalist and then claiming the journalist is hostile. But Trump’s not guilty of “bootstrapping” because Fox started it (see point 3).
6. Whether or not Trump’s right to try to bounce Kelly at this late date–and the choice of debate moderators is often the subject of intense negotiations, at least in 2-person races– the statement Fox put out when he threatened to not show up was so juvenile and mocking that it, in itself, is proof of over-the-line bias on Fox’s part.
7. Trump doesn’t have to show up. But — even if he has a legitimate beef — is that prudent? I don’t know. I suppose it partly depends on what his “internals” say about the state of play in Iowa. In his online Twitter query today (about whether he should join the debate) I voted “yes.”
8. Even if a Trump boycott hurts Trump, it’s also likely to hurt Fox, a network that now has a deadening hold on conservative punditry because it is basically the only avenue of upward advancement. If Trump drives a wedge between Murdoch’s network and the GOP base — more accurately, deepens the division he’s already created — it could attract a competitor to try to steal that base away. Remember when the U.S. team didn’t show up at the Moscow Olympics? It drove the point home to ordinary Russians that yes, we were angry and serious about opposing Soviet expansionism. Likewise, if Trump doesn’t show up and wins the election anyway, in the teeth of Fox’s taunts, it will dramatically make the point that Fox isn’t as essential to non-Democrats as it once was. In the long run, that could be more important than whatever effect the debate confrontation has on the Iowa results.
** — Some commenters note that CBS has become a little incestuous. Maybe not the best example! But I stick with the distinction: Even when Obama White House national security aide Ben Rhodes is talking to his brother, CBS News president David Rhodes, about obstreperous reporter Sharyl Attkisson, I bet the conversation is couched in conventional journalistic terms (e.g., hypothetically, ‘She got it wrong’) and not mutual-cause terms (e.g., hypothetically, ‘She’s not helpful’). More here. …
RT @kausmickey: Trump vs. Fox, Round 7
“If Trump drives wedge betwn Murdoch’s network & GOP base…could attract a competitor to try to steal that base away”
This is why you can safely predict that Trump will show up for the Fox “debate”
Re: Point 1. That’s why Sharyl Atkisson still works at CBS. Because David Rhodes told his brother to eff off?
Trump vs. Fox, Round 7
I think Trump knows this debate was to be an all-out ambush. Fox added to the questioners, by booking an admitted Trump hating Muslim, a Twitter Star Latina who also hates Trump, and set the whole thing off last week with Kelly leading and agreeing with the Trump haters from the National Review. I just hate cluster rapes, for lack of better terms. This is more than ratings, Fox & Kelly are squarely against (& have been) the party’s front-runner…the people’s choice! Reprehensible in my mind!
Why do I get a message that I already posted the comment (1st one) when I hadn’t commented before?
Never mind, it’s there.
I don’t think Google was originally set to team with Fox in this next debate. Trump should does as Regan and skip this one!
Forgive me. I haven’t been using English for very long….:-)
#1 is ridiculous. Ben Rhodes’ brother is the president of CBS news. There are emails showing the WH had people call Bob Schieffer to tell Sharyll Atkinson to shut up. On ABC, George S spoke every day with Begala and Rahm to coordinate talking points. Fox may be guilty as charged, but the others are far worse.
John Dickerson, replacement for Bob Schieffer, is an editor of Slate, and once wrote that Obama should pulverize the GOP. Fox just isn’t that bad.
Trump vs. Fox, Round 7
Trump vs. Fox, Round 7 and summary:
Mickey Kaus:”Trump vs. Fox, Round 7″
Growing “wedge between Murdoch’s network and the GOP base”?
Trump vs. Fox, Round 7
RT @kausmickey: What @FoxNews is scared of (see point #8)
How did Roger Ailes let this get so out of hand–Trump ripping apart Murdoch’s lucrative monopoly? Wasn’t necessary
About some of the most twisted logic I have ever seen RT @kausmickey: What @FoxNews is scared of (see point #8)
Fox hates @realDonaldTrump because he won’t go along with their amnesty plan @AnnCoulter
Trump could seriously damage Fox
Trump vs. Fox, Round 7
Fox is soliciting questions from non-Iowan liberals for a GOP primary caucus in Iowa. They are telling everyone Iowans will be mad Trump ignored them. Yet he will be the one getting question from Iowa vets while not one person asking questions at GOP debate is from Iowa, a member of the GOP, or a caucus goer.
Trump needs to beat Fox to a pulp on their outsourcing the debate to Google and ignoring Iowa.