GOP elite wants to Hispander 2 stay in power so they can do something voters don’t care about (cut taxes) #nocompute bv.ms/1PIZzXw
GOP elite wants to Hispander 2 stay in power so they can do something voters don’t care about (cut taxes) #nocompute bv.ms/1PIZzXw
@kausmickey Michael Gerson was on CNN excoriating Trump. This limpet worked for W who lied us into a war and brought us the Great Recession.
@kausmickey That’s the only con they have. They have no ideas. Their only hope for success is voter suppression,
@kausmickey lol, voters don’t want lower taxes? pretty sure on polling data backs that up
@kausmickey @BV Securing the border! Saving our IT workers from H1B scum. Remember Disney!
@kausmickey @BV Since when do they care about cutting taxes? Have I missed something?
@kausmickey @instapundit @BV didn’t Mickey vote for Obama?