Fareed-GOP “never actually did anything” abt welfare state. Huh? 1996 reform ended AFDC entitlement. Cut rolls 50% wpo.st/ype71
Fareed-GOP “never actually did anything” abt welfare state. Huh? 1996 reform ended AFDC entitlement. Cut rolls 50% wpo.st/ype71
Alternate theory: GOP elite pushed amnesty, ripped party apart. Not complex!//”GOP finger pointing over Trump” yahoo.com/politics/trump…
How about we put Marco expectations here … twitter.com/JenniferJJacob…
Rubio team setting IA expectations so low (12%) he can’t possibly not exceed them–i.e. aren’t the real expectations politico.com/story/2016/01/…
They’re always anti-amnesty the week B4 Election Day//”In last-minute ads, GOP establ. swings against immig. reform” wpo.st/76N71
Here is link for piece on Fox debate plant. Sorry breitbart.com/2016-president…
More on one of of the Fox-Google anti-Trump debate plants, who must now be somewhat frustrated
Beware Hypocritical Conservatives Defending the Sins of Fox News Over Trump – Breitbart via @BreitbartNews
One of the best pieces of campaign so far. I wouldn’t spike it politico.com/magazine/story…
I’d forgotten this Murdoch op-ed wsj.com/articles/ruper… Helps explain why his network–@FoxNews–is the Screw-Our-Viewers Amnesty Network
Is Murphy allowed to say “Nah, we dig it”? You’re allowed to sync as long as it’s in public? twitter.com/murphymike/sta…
Can’t we just let the Ann Selzer/DMR poll be it–the official Iowa result–and dispense with the annoying caucuses?
REUPPING: Because ripped from today’s headlines!//”Fox Makes It Easy for Amnesty” kausfiles.com/2015/03/18/fox…
Fox, Google Pick 1994 Illegal Immigrant To Ask Question In Iowa GOP Debate
.@gabrielsherman reports that “fault line” between Trump and @FoxNews among voters in Iowa is “immigration.”
.@gabrielsherman‘s idea that @FoxNews created Trump is insane.
A reputation for unpredictability has famous advantages in foreign policy, no? Just saying twitter.com/ByronYork/stat…
I would say ‘Yuck without Blumberg,’ but same deal … twitter.com/Johnnydontlike…
Hmm. Was there ever a moment when you could’ve looked at Steve King’s hand and it said “cantaloupes!”? … washex.am/1np94OC
How did Roger Ailes let this get so out of hand–Trump ripping apart Murdoch’s lucrative monopoly? Wasn’t necessary kausfiles.com/2016/01/27/tru…
What @FoxNews is scared of (see point #8) kausfiles.com/2016/01/27/tru…
It’s almost as if Fox honcho Bill Sammon’s daughter is a Rubio flack! At least he doesn’t write debate questions. Oh mediamatters.org/research/2015/…
Goes w/o saying that in 1st debate Fox never managed 2 ask Rubio abt his #1 legis. push: Gangof8 Amnesty #tooobvious time.com/3988276/republ…
Fox to Marco: ‘Is it as simple as Trump says on immig.?’… “Why is Gov. Bush wrong on Common Core?” Tough grilling! time.com/3988276/republ…