81 Thank you, Holy Father, for keeping immigration front and center Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey Even if I believed a word Trump says, I wouldn’t know which words to choose to believe.
@kausmickey @instapundit 12 million new immigrants and Obamacare. Enjoy!
@kausmickey only 10% in SC said it was their top issue lol
@kausmickey His high holiness never said child molesting priests were not Christian..# Priorities
@kausmickey @riley1999 Planet Earth has land far beyond America. People are free to go anywhere if they want happiness. #ELIJAHMANDOTCOM
@kausmickey It’s the seminal issue of our times. The Establishment have refused to acknowledge our fury over illegal immigration!
On cspan’s call in this morning, someone said he doesn’t recall the pope ever saying that a priest who molested a child was “not a Christian.”