Because no elite-backed candidate gave voice 2 what Trump voiced elite can safely ignore him? Seems a bit circular twitter.com/DouthatNYT/sta…
Because no elite-backed candidate gave voice 2 what Trump voiced elite can safely ignore him? Seems a bit circular twitter.com/DouthatNYT/sta…
@kausmickey It doesn’t really matter; it’s not an excuse to embrace him now.
@kausmickey @DouthatNYT Trump is sui generis but maybe he’ll get candidates to be less detached.
@kausmickey Hey, It’s been working in Europe for decades
@kausmickey Big NYTpiece on GOPLeaders vs Trump everyone tweeted about today doesn’t include the word “immigration” https://t.co/cXGxqCRdyB
@kausmickey How much of Trump panic has to do with his real flaws? Why’d elites treat Ted Cruz the same? #hypocrisy
@kausmickey @DouthatNYT Future candidates? What did Rubio/Cruz do last debate & TRAIL NOW but steal 1st his positions & now his demeanor?