Instead of actually appealing to beliefs/interests of base, GOP elite relies on a) SuperPAC neg ads b) Marco charm>> nyti.ms/1TFgHNo
Instead of actually appealing to beliefs/interests of base, GOP elite relies on a) SuperPAC neg ads b) Marco charm>> nyti.ms/1TFgHNo
@kausmickey Rubio looks very comfortable with being nasty. Who is the real con man?
@kausmickey No offense, but we are the base!!! A few protectionists looking for a free lunch doth not the Republican base make.
@kausmickey Can’t disrupt business as usual, it’s too profitable. Destroy the disrupting Donald.
@kausmickey Newsflash: Marco is no longer charming.
@kausmickey Someone has called the system a Uniparty. There is no essential difference between Dem and Repub elites now.
@kausmickey Marco’s acting like Trump diminishing him, losing his “charm.” Where are the grown-ups?
@kausmickey @nytimes but PPhood funding, gun control, and em. Domain? Those REALLY fire up the GOP base
@kausmickey @nytimes The story mentioned LePage, who endorsed Trump. I call BS.
@kausmickey @nytimes problem is that there is no Marco charm now. He looks and sounds like a complete buffoon.
@kausmickey Precisely what beliefs/interests do you think he isn’t addressing?
@kausmickey So, should they start a trade war, too, just because the base doesn’t understand economics?