Just seems a really bad idea to hire as chief of staff a guy who thinks *he* should be the president dcwhispers.com/trump-in-talks…
Just seems a really bad idea to hire as chief of staff a guy who thinks *he* should be the president dcwhispers.com/trump-in-talks…
@kausmickey al haig
@kausmickey Congress thought John Sununu was an arrogant prick. Imagine the reaction to Newt.
@kausmickey he needs snakes who’ve hit their ceilings I guess. No Q he can handle egos.
@kausmickey that’s a position that typically requires at least a small bit of discipline. Newt has none
@kausmickey I love Newt. Romney spent millions destroying him in FL. Mormon cult
@kausmickey Mickey, that is a highly unreliable site. Almost certainly Trump isn’t thinking that far ahead.
@kausmickey Not to mention a long-time backer of #job-killing #trade deals as well as an #amnesty guy: https://t.co/z405UQ5coE #Newt #Trump
@kausmickey I’m not believing this one.
@kausmickey Maybe, but Newt is very smart & knows the system to get things done.
@kausmickey Can’t be true. Makes no sense.
@kausmickey gingrich will no doubt pull a cheney and put his own name on the veep list.
@kausmickey Curious where you think the billion dollars to run a general election campaign will come from?
@kausmickey Some people are willing to serve in heaven rather than rule nowhere. Newt would be interesting & useful in a Trump WH.
@kausmickey – Not only that, but how does Newt Gingrich signal to people that you aren’t just the same old GOP establishment?
@kausmickey Partly agree – BUT Trump needs somebody who is REALLY good at getting legislation through Congress, past Ryan/McConnell blocks.
@kausmickey No matter how smart & ambitious, I don’t see anyone manipulating Trump any more than he wants to be. Newt might last a year or 2
@kausmickey if Trump felt felt he weren’t firmly in control of Gingrich he would probably fire him. Maybe not as COS would be OK.
@kausmickey Typical DT-promises to get a deal/endorsement — worth as much as his promises to his casino-biz creditors, vendors & employees.
@kausmickey Gingrich is pre-Bush. Same w/Kasich. Hard to find non-Bush staffers in DC???
@kausmickey Gingrich is lazy. CNN tried to bring back Crossfire with NG as a host. Very lazy guy, just sat there most of the time.
@TBradleyNC @kausmickey Chief of Staff is a tactical position. Gingrich took House after decades of D rule. He has operational bonafides.
@kausmickey That is the only reason it is a bad idea?