8 That makes Rubio Reagan after Ford clinched in ’76, no? But Reagan endorsed Ford, twitter.com/DouthatNYT/sta… Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey @DouthatNYT @allahpundit All of these tweets show how out of touch you are with GOP history and mindset.
@kausmickey @rossdouthat @allahpundit Moderate Republican Ford = unstable, lifelong Dem Trump? Sad!
@kausmickey If a candidate doesn’t endorse R nominee after their pledge, I will NEVER vote for them in any election! #Trump2016 #SECPrimary
@kausmickey @DouthatNYT @allahpundit Rubio wants to continue Reagan con of trickle down, Trump wants to invent a whole new con. Conflict!
@kausmickey Ford embodied the GOP establishment. Rubio would be endorsing a coup. Someone else’s, if we believe his ‘outsider’ pretense.
@kausmickey @DouthatNYT @allahpundit Again, “All of these tweets show how out of touch you are with GOP history and mindset.”