28 Byron York: When Trump answered the ‘secret interview’ immigration question washex.am/1QiBzYy Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey My curiosity to hear that audio is maximized.
@kausmickey Trump sounds like a total immigration squish, doesn’t he?
@kausmickey Which is basically what I imagined he meant for immigration plan.All criminals out- most have to leave & come back-some stay
@kausmickey Trump supporters don’t question anything #MakeAtlanticCityGreatAgain
@kausmickey Great! Now we get to figure out what’s his policy and whats a negotiation opener. AFTER 7yrs of figuring out what obama’s up to!
@kausmickey It’s a bargaining chip that could help ensure the wall gets built. It’s Negotiating:101, but GOPe is losing their sh*t over it.
@kausmickey GOPe are like the Directv “settlers”. They despise real negotiating & like to ask for 1/2 of what they want, then get nothing.
@kausmickey Outing someone on being less anti-immig in private is how pro-immig took down Scott Walker eg – Kudlow & co.- Trump v different