Investigative reporters: What was relationship of Rubio family’s “earned success” to brother-in-laws cocaine biz? njour.nl/s/620313?oref=…
Investigative reporters: What was relationship of Rubio family’s “earned success” to brother-in-laws cocaine biz? njour.nl/s/620313?oref=…
@kausmickey nm new to me I get it
@kausmickey You should be ashamed of yourself. I don’t even like Rubio, but this is below the belt. Trump supporters have become a disgrace.
@kausmickey How Marco Rubio took $50K and voted to deregulate a sleazy businessman who cashed in on cocaine and AIDS
@SunsetLament @kausmickey but RACE BAITING is moral right?! #AlwaysTrump https://t.co/KSAnT5u9tx