Finally read Enquirer. They don’t pretend 2 have the story-just report “rumors…swirling around Cruz.” So question: why didn’t Cruz ignore?
Finally read Enquirer. They don’t pretend 2 have the story-just report “rumors…swirling around Cruz.” So question: why didn’t Cruz ignore?
@kausmickey Because this is the sort of media freebie that put Trump out front.
@kausmickey Why do people return to the scene of the crime?
@kausmickey Cause Trump is on the ropes, falling in the polls, Trump attacked Cruz’s wife’s looks (Trump is a scumbag), and Cruz is fighting
@kausmickey But confirmed by a Washington Times columnist.
@kausmickey damned if you do and damned if you don’t — hope it backfires on Trump
@kausmickey Better question Why did Trump’s campaign team pimp this slander? Because DJT & his team are vile, ignorant, bottom feeding hacks
.@kausmickey Cruz can dish it out, but can’t take it. He’s not ready for the big leagues. Go protest on Senate floor JV Cruz. Trump 2016!!
@LeroyWhitby @kausmickey U are funny… As if his wife wasn’t attacked first?????Why are ppl so blind to see this?? Appalling
@kausmickey He didn’t ignore maybe because there were a lot of folks saying “They were right before!” Whaddaya think?
@kausmickey I wondered the same thing.
@kausmickey this hurts Trump, not Cruz IMHO. And if Cruz didn’t respond people like Mickey would assume guilt.
@kausmickey because silence is hiding and hiding is guilt.
@kausmickey @dmartosko Nat Enquirer probably has a lot more dirt and waited to see the Cruz reaction before next bombshell release
@kausmickey wouldn’t silence be condoning/ Why isnt media demanding verification before escalating it
@kausmickey (2/2) “LyinTed” shtick burns #CONald’s options for:
A deal with #Ted
True & CREDIBLE negative messaging vs #Hellary in general
@kausmickey Ted has some serious issues. If ya lived in TX, ya would’ve known before he got in the senate. If Trump, short? Recount TEXAS!!
@kausmickey @tedcruz @realdonaldjtrump because he thought blaming Trump would help him, once a liar always a liar,once a cheater always be 1