A good public radio story has 1) diversity 2) migrants 3) women taking control! 4) hip hop influences. 3 of 4 here pri.org/stories/2016-0…
A good public radio story has 1) diversity 2) migrants 3) women taking control! 4) hip hop influences. 3 of 4 here pri.org/stories/2016-0…
@kausmickey Why I never listen to public radio anymore. Boring as hell.
@kausmickey Sadly, the CBC is a lot like this, too. They’re don’t have a liberal bias so much as a far-left identity politics bias.
@kausmickey In the late 70s I played a similar game to find ultimate NY Post headline. The winner: Reggie Slays Sex Punk in Subway Horror.
@kausmickey This makes our $22Trillion debt all worth it. #Sarcasm
@Early__May @kausmickey Yup, 5 years ago I was a everyday @NPR listener. Now it’s too obvious that it’s just state run propaganda.
@kausmickey Don’t forget ambient noise of “critters on farm just waking up.”
@SenBhapiro @kausmickey @NPR Same here. Only reporting is on crap like this by young SJWs.
@kausmickey this search lol -> https://t.co/2mga1E5JnH
@kausmickey Bad NPR story: Globalism creating untreatable bacteria https://t.co/1QzF2MS6bc
@kausmickey When I hear “Guatemalan rapper” I say “Who cares?” & change channel. Old school punk is on. More interesting & informative
@kausmickey @freelancewriter Rapper? Sounds like reggae.
@kausmickey @VanWagoner She’s wrong.
@kausmickey @MeanCharlotte and Social Justice!
@kausmickey @instapundit SJW just another term for I always look at myself as a victim.
@kausmickey Sounds like a lot of commercials on TV as well w/ #3 in spades, bumbling men saved by their smart women making smart choices.
@kausmickey #NPR=National Progressive Radio. Calls #Lewandowski charge “criminal assault charge” but, illegal aliens are “undocumented”
@kausmickey Those that don’t unite shall be crushed.