OK, a) throw in technology as indep. driver b) backing off immig/trade still a plausible way to improve things in US twitter.com/JamesFallows/s…
OK, a) throw in technology as indep. driver b) backing off immig/trade still a plausible way to improve things in US twitter.com/JamesFallows/s…
@kausmickey labor-substituting technology is a very likely driver, which makes wanting to bring in more labor…odd.
@kausmickey DId Fallows respond to your thrashing on VA health care v. what we give illegal aliens?
@kausmickey Trade seems inseparable from currency and (public+private) debt issues.Read “The Great Rebalancing” https://t.co/gk0PNrKOT1 yet?
@kausmickey We’re not talking about the recovery but long-term secular trend: trade, immigration, and automation all push wages down.