Whether or not it was ‘bad judgment’ 4 Bill C. to visit Lynch depends on how close DOJ is to indicting his wife, no? twitter.com/RyanLizza/stat…
Whether or not it was ‘bad judgment’ 4 Bill C. to visit Lynch depends on how close DOJ is to indicting his wife, no? twitter.com/RyanLizza/stat…
@kausmickey @RyanLizza Lizza sounds like a Hillary fanboy.
@kausmickey my hunch is Bill was testing how warm a reception he would get. Frosty Lynch = bad news coming and vv
@kausmickey @RyanLizza that theory only applies if Bill knew more than he’s supposed to know.
@kausmickey @RyanLizza the far worse judgement in this case is on part of the sitting United States Attorney General.
@kausmickey @RyanLizza Clinton’s judgement really only relevant here if like most in media youre worried about impact on wifes Pres campaign
@kausmickey @RyanLizza CNN just announced no charges will be brought against her. You have your answer.
@kausmickey They’re not going to indict his wife. It’s all theater so when they drop the charges it’ll look as though they took it seriously
@kausmickey @RyanLizza The Trump and Clinton campaigns are competing for most bone headed mistake in presidential campaign history.
@kausmickey @RyanLizza appears not ver close at all.
@kausmickey @RyanLizza No any comm during invest is like xparte during a trial, any lawyer would know this.
Bill Clinton is becoming Billy Carter.
@kausmickey Even if she escapes indictment, she’ll never be President. Bill won’t allow it. #SpousalSabotage