[T]he Democratic Party’s white working-class voters–who disproportionately favor restricting immigration … ” nymag.com/daily/intellig…
[T]he Democratic Party’s white working-class voters–who disproportionately favor restricting immigration … ” nymag.com/daily/intellig…
@kausmickey @intelligencer wait a minute, a few years ago Slate was sneering “so long white boy” — now they r crawling back on their knees?
@kausmickey @Ricky_Vaughn99 @EricLevitz With trump, the Dems will lose damn near all of these ppl. Trump offers hope, Dems call them racist.
@kausmickey They have an answer, it’s “OMG stop being so racist you cishet white male!!!”
@kausmickey Well, the coastal elites don’t give 2 shits about working class. So they have no answers.
@kausmickey @intelligencer
Now that minorities can see through their pandering game they realize they need White people. Too bad.
In his article Levitz pushes economist Dean Baker’s solution for income inequality: Bring in lots of immigrant professionals to push down prices for lawyers, doctors, etc.
White it’s certainly true that the kind of people who advocate for lots more immigration tend to either benefit from cheap labor and/or are protected from it by things like professional licenses, still, how forcing American workers out of our professional jobs any solution?
Levitz article also includes quotes from people saying that a college education is the solution for our labor and income inequality problems, which it is not. We got that “everybody will go to college, everything will be fine” line from Clinton in the 1990s and reality turned out to be much different.
Why is it that almost none of our elites can see the big picture with any kind of accuracy — or advocate policies based on the interests of Americans who are not recent immigrants or would-be immigrants or their potential employers or services providers? I realize that technology is — and will continue — to be a jobs killer on a massive scale, making a larger population a disastrous burden, not an economic boon a economic burden. Why don’t they?
@kausmickey @intelligencer Any working class voter who votes for Hillary is suicidal.