42 Here’s a piece on Trump’s big infrastructure plans nymag.com/daily/intellig… Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey Better to spend on improving USA than more foreign aid, graft, unnecessary wars, etc.
@kausmickey His natural instinct is always liberal Dem, on this, on guns, on everything
@kausmickey he should focus on medical investments also. Who doesn’t want new cancer drugs or obesity pills? Newt could be great for this.
@kausmickey Just what we need Mickey, another big spending, high taxing, high tariffs guy in DC, how the fuck is that going to help?
@kausmickey @intelligencer “fiscal restraint is surely on Ryan’s list of concerns” Hahaha!
@kausmickey @instapundit @intelligencer The art of the new deal LMFAO