I dunno. Big infrastructure plan cld appeal 2 blu-collar Dems but lose small-Gov GOPs. Same w/ ‘preserve Soc Sec’ twitter.com/yeselson/statu…
I dunno. Big infrastructure plan cld appeal 2 blu-collar Dems but lose small-Gov GOPs. Same w/ ‘preserve Soc Sec’ twitter.com/yeselson/statu…
@kausmickey Big infrastructure plan appeals 2 GOP in big infrastructure states like PA, OH, FL, VA, etc.
@kausmickey Small govt. conservatives really are “end welfare” conservatives. Doesn’t Trump already have them?
@kausmickey The press won’t ask Trump about his commitment to infrastructure as laid out in Crippled America because the answer helps Trump.
@kausmickey It’s gotta happen. A very big one.
@kausmickey Promising cuts to Soc Sec is a huge political loser. GOP plan to fix by cutting benefits raising age is a loser. Trump is right.
Then he loses I don’t see it happening. But if he renegotiated our debt with some countries maybe people would go for it @kausmickey