For @realDonaldTrump eyes only: Here’s @joniernst on your temporary Muslim ban usofarn.com/2015/12/10/jon… (“ludicrous … inflammatory”)
For @realDonaldTrump eyes only: Here’s @joniernst on your temporary Muslim ban usofarn.com/2015/12/10/jon… (“ludicrous … inflammatory”)
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump @joniernst she was never vetted
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump @joniernst Go big and bold! Advisors all want a pick to balance him out. We don’t need balance. We need balls!
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump @joniernst news for Ernst, we’re not getting refugees or immigrants from Kosovo. Ernst is a huge disappointment
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump @joniernst Ernst is revealing true colors – another fake conservative RINO. #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
@kausmickey @joniernst Trust CIA-Military-Sessions & others over her. 900 ISIS links inside US. He welcomes all but DHS process needs ckging
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump @joniernst Sorry but we need a war time consigliere right now. Gen. Michael Flynn.
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump @joniernst Islamic rule has brought the West only death, destruction and oppression & some science long ago?
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump @joniernst That was a question looking for a true answer?
@kausmickey what’s your research on carly fiorina?
Original Optimized Dir1efence3.f26s 2.827s -0.299s (9.6%)1.931s 1.498s -0.433s (22.4%)And yet the page score drops from 97 to 91!I'll just go make some more sprites and probably reduce the page load time by more then this. Nice try though.
Nice cover crushes. I think my last one was Hook and Jill. Hook is actually a dashing, intelligent man with beautiful blue eyes. First Hook I’ve crushed on… Love the Gena Showater cover. Nice crush.
What an awesome honest post, I totally respect it. It inspires me to write my own post up but I gotta sit and really think first so my list can be long and thoughtful like yours 🙂 Thanks for sharing it was a great read!
That’s a subtle way of thinking about it.
marbel, some of us guys are on auto pilot.If they were to read, or to have read, many more of your posts than they have, they’d not only back down, but apologize.
I'm with you Rueben, read it in the same way as you.We blog a fair bit on our intranet and I must say it is the Exec or SMT blogs that often fail to engage. The best blogs tend to be written amongst the lower ranks and really do help departments to share information, discuss ideas and break down those pesky 'knowledge silos'. Exec blogs always sound like a sales pitch and are written in 'company speak'.
Det skal bli spennende å se dette strikkearbeidet fiks ferdig.Er det noe jeg har savnet i sommer, så der det å kunne sitte ute utover kvelden. Men jeg krysser fingrene og håper at det kan komme noen slike kvelder.Klem fra Astrid