If you’re selling something, and you can eliminate the #1 buyers’ objection to it, wouldn’t you do that? kausfiles.com/2016/07/09/a-v…
If you’re selling something, and you can eliminate the #1 buyers’ objection to it, wouldn’t you do that? kausfiles.com/2016/07/09/a-v…
@kausmickey the # objection is that “he’s a racist.” He must reframe that
@kausmickey depends on if he thinks the steal the nomination people have a chance-If he does Pence is the obvious pick he has to make.
@kausmickey I think it’s a good pick but the general is a democrat. He may lose hardcore conservatives. He’s already having issues with them
@kausmickey Sadly, there is no VP pick that would eliminate this objection. There’s no evidence Trump listens to anyone at critical moments.
.@kausmickey Another way to defuse is to point to @ScottAdamsSays’ column on the subject of Trump as “loose cannon”:
@kausmickey By selecting someone w/ purportedly the same impulse control probs as the candidate?
@kausmickey smh. No comment at all
@kausmickey How about Petraeus? Would love to compare and contrast FBI through Nov… and, of course, he’s awesome.
@kausmickey “vote for Trump, his VP will keep us out of a nuclear Holocaust!”.
@kausmickey Flynn is the ONLY general I’d be happy with. And I’d be VERY happy!
@kausmickey I would do that.
How would the media portray a general unknown to the public who was a strong opponent of the Administration policy?
@kausmickey @instapundit The problem is that the #1 objection is not well defined or agreed upon. That’s the nature of politics.
@kausmickey @instapundit
@realDonaldTrump seems to be going down a voter groups list shedding each in turn.
Just an idiot?