Simpler, non-ideological, non-Ryan entitlement solution: 1) Leave structure 2) Means-test 3) You’re done. twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
Simpler, non-ideological, non-Ryan entitlement solution: 1) Leave structure 2) Means-test 3) You’re done. twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
@kausmickey oddly?
@kausmickey Means testing Social Security, Medicaid or VA care is a non-starter. They promised me and I paid into it.
@kausmickey why not post the data showing this works?
@kausmickey read article newt clinton had agree to partially privitize ss but Monica came along
@kausmickey Not sure means testing a plan you’re forced into&can’t avoid like Medicare is fair.Most carry costly supplemental insurance too.
@kausmickey That and exclude people who didn’t pay into it from receiving it.
@kausmickey @PoliticoAgenda 4) Close border.
@kausmickey @PoliticoAgenda Ryan wants to play shell game policy, and avoid the underlying problems, more sound bite “thinking” – faux wonk
@kausmickey A means test strict enough to fix solvency would have BIG negative effects on work and saving.
@kausmickey means testing doesn’t work.
@kausmickey fuck this I paid into SS for nearly 40 years. Now they want to ration what I earned?