30 Written as if only alternatives are Christie or Gingrich. … twitter.com/RichLowry/stat… Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey Why listening to Lowry would probably be a bad idea…
@kausmickey who do you think…? I like Allen West
@kausmickey yes, he has MANY seasons of The Apprentice to harvest candidates from:))
@kausmickey @RichLowry Rand Paul is overwhelmingly my choice.
@kausmickey @RichLowry True, but Pence would still be a terrible idea. Career pol with the charisma of a grapefruit.
.@kausmickey this is the only time I hve ever agreed wth the “not Bill Buckley” while praying for the 4th and 5th alts.
@kausmickey I like Scott Brown!
@kausmickey who else? Flynn? Fallin? comical
@kausmickey @AJDelgado13 @RichLowry I think he should pick lifelong democrat gen Flynn. Country so tore up it would show massive unity
@kausmickey Scott Brown mayb. Extremely handsome likable. Endorsed early. Agrees w/immig & wall & trade. Independent like Trump.Big on Vets
@kausmickey @AJDelgado13 @RichLowry It will either be Sessions Or Gen. Flynn. personally my choice is Sen.Sessions.
@kausmickey @AJDelgado13 @RichLowry Like I want to hear anything this guy has to say.Now I know I like Pence as a pick.
@kausmickey Martha McSally – AZ https://t.co/iwq8wrEJ99
@kausmickey @AJDelgado13 @RichLowry it’s going to be a woman, not sure who but it will be a woman
@kausmickey @AJDelgado13 @RichLowry coulter?
@kausmickey My money remains on Jim Webb (though there’s no chance I’d vote for a Trump/Webb ticket).
@kausmickey @Ricky_Vaughn99 @RichLowry flynn or cotton. Need a military mind.
@kausmickey @Ricky_Vaughn99 @RichLowry Like they’re still trying to make the decision.
@kausmickey @Ricky_Vaughn99 Gingrich. . . . yes!
Respectfully, if NRO isn’t happy with Pence you have lost any shred of credibility. Just saying… @kausmickey @AJDelgado13 @richlowry
@kausmickey With Evan Bayh now in the Senate race, Trump absolutely *has* to pick Pence. The Indiana Dems will be fired up to vote.