Don’t quite understand. Thiel is a Trump delegate. But if he speaks he’s crossed some kind of line? twitter.com/JamesFallows/s…
Don’t quite understand. Thiel is a Trump delegate. But if he speaks he’s crossed some kind of line? twitter.com/JamesFallows/s…
@kausmickey America’s soul was taken some time ago. But its brains too? Where do these lefties get their knack for being senseless?
@kausmickey pro- @realDonaldTrump brilliant Silicon Valley entrepreneurs/ public thinkers must keep their enthusiasms closeted
@kausmickey Trump has it right: Opponents must be demonized. Thats what Democrats do. Clinton=NIxon/Boss Tweed; BLM=KKK; Obama=simpleton
@kausmickey Does billionaire Thiel need advice from journalist Fallows?
@kausmickey @JamesFallows @peterthiel he has balls
@kausmickey @JamesFallows @peterthiel yes being 4 Trump is like a private vice, like being gay in the 1950s.
@kausmickey @JamesFallows @peterthiel Its Anti illegal immigrant. He is actually pro immigration.
@kausmickey @JamesFallows Fallows wants him to keep his Trump support in the closet?
@kausmickey @JamesFallows @peterthiel RNC platform is not anti-IMMIGRANT. Nonresident aliens are not immigrants. Kochs are L’s-not true R’s.
@kausmickey @instapundit apparently @JamesFallows doesn’t actually know what he’s talking about?