Think you have to consider the question. No President implements all his position papers. Instincts matter. twitter.com/reihan/status/…
Think you have to consider the question. No President implements all his position papers. Instincts matter. twitter.com/reihan/status/…
@kausmickey @reihan proposing a ban on all Muslim migration is a good instinct ?
@SimonHowson @kausmickey @reihan Make a list of countries that ban/highly regulate. Make a list of attacks there. Do you see a pattern?
@kausmickey Trump’s instincts are what worry me the most.
@kausmickey And Trump’s instinct is to make stuff up on the spur of the moment.
@SimonHowson @kausmickey @reihan it’s a terrific instinct. Plus, majority of Americans agree.
@Ricky_Vaughn99 @kausmickey @reihan LOL!
@kausmickey @Ricky_Vaughn99 @reihan I would take Trump over that pathological liar, cheating, stealing hag #CrookedHillary. #StopHillary
…of which Obama has none. He follows by rote, not instinct.@kausmickey @angelinthepine
@EJKTwit @IdiotDems @kausmickey @Ricky_Vaughn99 @reihan Me too, I cannot vote for a lying fraud communist and I don’t care who I offend with
I support quite a bit of the imputed agenda; supported your run Mickey, even collected sigs for you, but it is the instincts on display the last 11 months that have me decisively #NeverTrump