Asking @davidfrum why he opposes candidate he agrees with on immig, etc. Surprised the answer turned out to be … bloggingheads.tv/videos/42960
Asking @davidfrum why he opposes candidate he agrees with on immig, etc. Surprised the answer turned out to be … bloggingheads.tv/videos/42960
@kausmickey @davidfrum the answer is he’s a neocon with no loyalty to the people of the united states. we all know that.
@kausmickey @davidfrum because he disagrees with him on everything else?
@kausmickey @davidfrum why do you keep teasing, ain’t nobody got time to watch all 27 minutes, we work for a living unlike you people
@kausmickey @davidfrum Good stuff. Unfortunately, no time to talk about Hillary’s SCOTUS appointments. Major factor in voting decision.
@Lauren_Lebeda @kausmickey @davidfrum indeed he’s clearly a neocon globalist who is concerned mostly with international alliances.
Saw the B-heads. Saw your arg. about Trump as a problem the constitution/courts can handle–restrain. But you think he will solve immigration. What about Supreme Court? As a Dem, do you care if court goes 6-3 very right wing? And then voting restrictions give republicans advantage for another 20 years?
>implying it’s not because he’s a Jew
@kausmickey @Sulla2389 @davidfrum