If you only want to look at 4 minutes & 18 seconds of me & Frum on bloggingheads, this snippet would be a good pick bloggingheads.tv/videos/42960?i…
If you only want to look at 4 minutes & 18 seconds of me & Frum on bloggingheads, this snippet would be a good pick bloggingheads.tv/videos/42960?i…
@kausmickey: @davidfrum is absolutely unhinged. Severest Trump Derangement Syndrome I’ve seen. He needs immediate medical attention. Or Gin.
#BuildTheWall is a simplistic message to sell. E-Verify isn’t quite as catchy.
@kausmickey Why are you both concluding Congress is necessary for an E-Verify mandate? Congress let the original DACA stand, and…
@kausmickey …the Supreme Court has yet to rule on DACA+/DAPA. The executive may have more unilateral authority to direct agencies soon.
@kausmickey In other words, the advocates’ demand for a strong central planner on immigration may come back to bite them under a Pres Trump.
@kausmickey I appreciate and respect your opinion Mickey but even 4 mins of watching that mind numbing format of opinion is to much.