Liked how @RameshPonnuru put it at RCP panel: GOP bigs tried to “foist a consensus” on party its voters didn’t want. twitter.com/fredbauerblog/…
Liked how @RameshPonnuru put it at RCP panel: GOP bigs tried to “foist a consensus” on party its voters didn’t want. twitter.com/fredbauerblog/…
@kausmickey @RameshPonnuru And now the GOP bigs are trying to “foist a consensus” on the General Election that the Voters don’t want.
@kausmickey @RameshPonnuru just think if Jeb’s $150M war chest was for actual general election and @GOP focused on #GOTV
@kausmickey @RameshPonnuru Read the disqus discussion on BreitBart or listen to Ann Coulter. It was no secret. We were shouting it aloud.
@kausmickey @RameshPonnuru Is that what we call trying to pass legislation these days?