44 Bill’s very charming, but yikes he’s still on Hillary’s early Arkansas years … Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey you know Bill come on. He’s not changing!
@kausmickey Is Bill going to include his 379 affairs and cheating on her too? LONG & boring.
@kausmickey Over / Under set at midnight
@kausmickey all women are remembered best in their youthful sexuality.
@kausmickey What women wants to hear she was had big glasses, she never wore makeup and she was strong. How ’bout “she was so pretty”?
@kausmickey A lot of Bill’s long winded praise seems faint. Tax exchange credits and Israeli pre-schools. Meh.
@kausmickey He’s a proven liar who has repeatedly cheated on the “love of his life”. Give us a break.
@kausmickey Bill’s LONG winded recounting of their courtship and marriage just draws attention to, well you know….
@kausmickey Now he’s reminding people of her biggest gaff of the campaign – West Virginia coal miners. WTF!?