25 Don’t think that speech did the job. Generified. #beenwrongbefore Joint appearance at end helps, though. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey Mickey, no offense, you’re not in the “swing voter” category to begin with, correct?
@kausmickey welp the candidate has to close the deal.
@kausmickey he looked like a ventriloquist walking around stage with the blueberry dummy.
@kausmickey I must say, I’ve never been able to stand his tone.
@JamesFallows @kausmickey Yes … The swing voter will be watching Hillary tomorrow night.
@JamesFallows Plus I recall @kausmickey saying how much he dislikes Obama
@gmukunda @kausmickey Plus, Trump’s tone on immig is something Mickey has been looking for (I believe)
.@kausmickey #certainlyfuckinghave
@JamesFallows Pretty sure that @kausmickey is voted for Putin’s candidate
@kausmickey Yes you’ve been wrong before. In fact, you’re pretty much wrong all the time.
@kausmickey Yeah. Wrong, Mickey.
@kausmickey well that seals it. Like Bill Kristol, you’re always wrong. So clearly a great speech.
@kausmickey except it highlights the seemingly intentionally hidden and unimpressive physical stature of the oompaloompa.
@kausmickey it was a good speech