“Yglesias omitted the question about jobs [which contradicted his thesis] from his summary” of his own poll. So Vox! twitter.com/TPCarney/statu…
“Yglesias omitted the question about jobs [which contradicted his thesis] from his summary” of his own poll. So Vox! twitter.com/TPCarney/statu…
Trump should maybe hammer a spike into this wedge like John Henry on Provigil. Just a thought. twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
Ah, the genius of the Romney campaign. Almost forgot. Same folks now the core of #NeverTrump. Just sayin. twitter.com/DavidMDrucker/…
Out of 8 states that provided info://”Wisconsin the Refugee TB Capital of US: Twenty-Seven Cases in Two Years”
Meanwhile, rest of party is moving “toward … open borders.” This immigration split “no small threat to Team Blue” twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
[T]he Democratic Party’s white working-class voters–who disproportionately favor restricting immigration … ” nymag.com/daily/intellig…
Agree. Increasing the supply of unskilled workers via immigration the opposite of a solution, of course. twitter.com/mattyglesias/s…
Isn’t Trump the infrastructure-spending candidate? (He should emphasize this overlap with Dems, L. Summers etc) twitter.com/mattyglesias/s…
‘I can’t see Russia from my house. But Russia can see me.” twitter.com/MLChadbourn/st…
I knew Tillis was an amnesty squish. But Perdue? twitter.com/ByronYork/stat…
USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll: Clinton’s lead over Trump narrows to 5 points usat.ly/29bKN7z
Reporters on Twitter Talking About Sources, Part XXVIII twitter.com/dmartosko/stat…
Never trust foodies newyorker.com/culture/cultur…
Translation: “Talking about immigration”=plotting to force amnesty bill through GOP-run House. They’re on same side twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
More anti-Brexsteria from Krugman: “[W]e aren’t seeing the kind of financial disruption so widely predicted.”
Justice Greenhouse: “I would caution you against challenging my facts.” althouse.blogspot.com/2016/07/more-e…
Good Bernie clips. He’s actually more effective than Trump in these snippets. twitter.com/NumbersUSA/sta…
Whether or not it was ‘bad judgment’ 4 Bill C. to visit Lynch depends on how close DOJ is to indicting his wife, no? twitter.com/RyanLizza/stat…
It’s always about Trump … twitter.com/davidfrum/stat…
Why do I think they wouldn’t have this kind of problem if Eric Holder was still AG? twitter.com/toddtalk/statu…
Kate Steinle Day
Toward end, piece catches Ryan articulating pretty clearly his no-limit, come-take-our-jobs open borders doctrine
Clintonworld efforts to save son-in-law’s dying hedge fund seem whole lot juicier than dry private server issue. twitter.com/munilass/statu…