Bill’s very charming, but yikes he’s still on Hillary’s early Arkansas years …
Bill’s very charming, but yikes he’s still on Hillary’s early Arkansas years …
Bill’s building up to the overthrow of Qaddafi, I can tell …
So Sen. Klobuchar is going to bring up the Jeffrey Epstein case now? conchitasarnoff.com
For First Time, Trump’s Image on Par With Clinton’s gallup.com/opinion/pollin…
Obvious big question for Bill Clinton speech: Will he address his only partly-fulfilled 2012 “You will feel it” promise?
“gap-toothed Democratic primary voters.” Sneering at yokels seems to be @KevinNR‘s thing. Sad! twitter.com/MarkSKrikorian…
Trade hurts unskilled; technology hurts unskilled. Then we bring in mass unskilled immg. for the coup de grace. twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
Re: TPP Problem is trade always seems 2 help same Americans (well-off, skilled) & hurt same Americans (unskilled) twitter.com/JamesFallows/s…
I want to party with flagged celebrities.
R. Simon: Thiel GOP more “modern” than Bernie’s Dems. Isn’t there *some* overlap? pjmedia.com/diaryofamadvot… #DiaryofaMadVoter via @PJMedia_com
Warren: “[U.S.} should never, never sign trade deals that help giant corporations but leave workers in the dirt.” Almost as if we’re losing
“Parties with flagged celebrities” wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/ema…
I’d missed the Epstein angle. “Putin for President” usat.ly/2aecRMu
Isikoff almost brought down Bill Clinton’s presidency. That should buy him some cred. twitter.com/idestHQ/status…
Hmm. I think I work “9 to 5, Moscow time.” Hope nobody notices. twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
Suspected Russian hack of DNC widenx-includes personal email of staffer researching Manafort. yahoo.com/news/exclusive… via @Yahoo
Good point twitter.com/conncarroll/st…
Hack shows pro-Hillary DNC thinks immig “advocates” are reckless. Maybe Putin is trying to elect Hillary after all. twitter.com/MarkSKrikorian…
Also maybe September Surprises–e.g. Epstein. At this point they aren’t even surprises. twitter.com/NRO/status/757…
Was persuasive piece–“bounce” hard to get w/2 well-known candidates. Makes pro-Trump swing all the more impressive twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
No longer on @politico home page: “Donald Trump’s convention is over. But don’t count on a convention bounce.” politico.com/story/2016/07/…
Wasn’t Yahoo in the ditch when she took over? She just failed to get it out of the ditch. twitter.com/DamonLinker/st…
I admit I exepcted more. 19,000 emails and this is all there is? Maybe they all have private servers … twitter.com/DavidMDrucker/…