No 1 inventd “the only limit 2 yr achievmnts is the strength of yr dreams” anymore than I inventd “Hey-how U doing?” anncoulter.com/columns/2016-0…
No 1 inventd “the only limit 2 yr achievmnts is the strength of yr dreams” anymore than I inventd “Hey-how U doing?” anncoulter.com/columns/2016-0…
This Globe piece by @MikeStopaMA strikes a similar note bostonglobe.com/opinion/2016/0… twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
They’ll none of them be missed. breitbart.com/2016-president… One reason the GOP convention may be more appealing than it seems.
Waiting for one of the articles on Twitter’s Milobanning 2 show example where he “directed” others 2 harrass someone nyti.ms/29NmopM
And working class that powered Trump’s run? We can toss ’em some tax credits, payroll tax cuts, says @TomColeOK04 twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
Atlantic panelists think an unready Trump will sign bills Ryan has on shelf (e.g. tax reform, dereg) #TheAtlanticRNC twitter.com/Atlantic_LIVE/…
??? Anybody else have this problem? twitter.com/Bureaucraticsl…
I’d bet that *to this day* Joe Biden doesn’t realize all the parts of his 1988 campaign speeches that were lifted from Bobby Kennedy.
I always thought speechwriters were notorious magpies (a phrase I think I just stole from Meg Greenfield)
“The most cardinal rule of any speech-writing operation is that you cannot plagiarize.” Really? #stealallthetime nyti.ms/29TW7c8
2008 story on “admirers” of Obama’s “magpie-like tendency to pluck lines” from others archive.boston.com/news/nation/ar…
In 3 weeks this will seem a huge overreaction. Don’t think I’m going out on a limb here. twitter.com/davidfrum/stat…
Not quite. He survived the plagiarism, then had to quit when @EleanorClift uncovered video full of false boasts. twitter.com/ktumulty/statu…
“this does not seem like a mistake someone like Scully would make.” That much is true talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/the-scy…
Liked how @RameshPonnuru put it at RCP panel: GOP bigs tried to “foist a consensus” on party its voters didn’t want. twitter.com/fredbauerblog/…
If you only want to look at 4 minutes & 18 seconds of me & Frum on bloggingheads, this snippet would be a good pick bloggingheads.tv/videos/42960?i…
Asking @davidfrum why he opposes candidate he agrees with on immig, etc. Surprised the answer turned out to be … bloggingheads.tv/videos/42960
True, maybe too early to say he’s through. But Kelly’s silence has been loud. Eventually Sherman may hit paydirt. twitter.com/LopRidgeway/st…
Bloggingheads w/ @davidfrum about why he agrees with Trump on so much and still is #nevertrump bloggingheads.tv/videos/42960 Clarifying (to me)!
On health (maybe more) Trump should “outsource the making of policy to Paul Ryan”–Mitt ’12 policy director @lanheechen. Yikes! #DecodingHC
At #DecodingHC panel, Tommy Thompson argues Trump best suited to fix Obamacare. Hillary too locked into its provisions. (Others say no).
Trump winning 37% of Hispanic vote in Nevada–pollster C. Wilson at #TheAtlanticRNC. Didn’t believe at first. Rechecked. Same # 2d time.
And if Trump doesn’t change and wins? Suspect that’s the real worry (as @EJDionne notes realclearpolitics.com/articles/2016/…) twitter.com/stephenfhayes/…
Requird reading 2 see how awful @PolitiFact is-Goes on abt apprehension #s then admits Sessions not talking abt that twitter.com/PolitiFact/sta…
Ailes made billions 4 @rupertmurdoch. Brutal dumping seems un-menschy. RM hadn’t heard the stories abt “mgmt style”? nymag.com/daily/intellig…