Trump has brought left and right together (in scorn for Pence). twitter.com/petridishes/st…
Trump has brought left and right together (in scorn for Pence). twitter.com/petridishes/st…
Part of me hopes this winds up with Trump suing Manafort for $10M twitter.com/costareports/s…
Pence Amnesty Scam: 3 years of UNLIMITED guest worker immig. All can then become citizens. Merkel is a piker heritage.org/research/lectu…
Don’t quite understand. Thiel is a Trump delegate. But if he speaks he’s crossed some kind of line? twitter.com/JamesFallows/s…
Dem Convention Host Ed Rendell: Trump Is Right on Trade, China
Indications your indications may be sub-optimal qu.edu/news-and-event… twitter.com/davidfrum/stat…
ALL HANDS ON DECK: Is Facebook really deleting things this non-inflammatory?
“Nearly every” = “except for blacks, white men.” twitter.com/crampell/statu…
By end of piece it’s unclear how big a backdown it was. Still. twitter.com/41jellis/statu…
Trump’s not even worried about how this People’s Mojahedin Gravy Train thing with Newt looks? OK! mojahedin.org/newsen/48198/P…
Better blatant than latent. twitter.com/JohnJHarwood/s…
He passed over Kelly Ayotte! twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
Another point in his favor twitter.com/nytimes/status…
All hands on deck … twitter.com/ByronYork/stat…
ZINNI! ZINNI! ZINNI! Press fave (in good way)/right on Iraq (N) *&* surge (Y)/diplomat/has reason 2 B pissed @ HRC slate.com/blogs/kausfile…
I should be. I’d assumed he was a Democrat but he’s apparently indie. Against Iraq War/for surge. Looks right now. twitter.com/sundancemckay/…
There are other generals! Plus Adm. McRaven seems widely admired kausfiles.com/2016/07/09/a-v… twitter.com/AnnCoulter/sta…
Giuliani mojahedin.org/newsen/35106/M… & Gingrich mojahedin.org/newsen/48198/P… involvement (w/ other US pols) w/ People’s Mojahedin still seems weird!
“Man surprised by ‘curveball’ once may be surprised by ‘curveball’ again’–old Chinese proverb twitter.com/costareports/s…
This makes Flynn sound less neocon bloomberg.com/view/articles/… Not clear how much war he has in mind. twitter.com/AnnCoulter/sta…
Pence “an almost inexplicably bad choice for Trump.” fxn.ws/29IzslA
Written as if only alternatives are Christie or Gingrich. … twitter.com/RichLowry/stat…
Reminder: Pence Touchback Amnesty Scam kausfiles.com/2016/04/29/pen…
Suggested GOP platform plank-“We don’t want Paul Ryan’s f___ing ‘premium support’ M’care plan. Obamacare hasn’t made concept more appealing”
Sunday Sweet Spot: Reflogging twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…