Interviewer (@IChotiner) seems shocked @michaelkinsley doesn’t take idiotic if-only-media-were-tougher-on-Trump line slate.com/articles/news_…
Interviewer (@IChotiner) seems shocked @michaelkinsley doesn’t take idiotic if-only-media-were-tougher-on-Trump line slate.com/articles/news_…
Get me a Gen. McChrystal type! (Flynn, McRaven, Petraeus, Nicholson, Votel … ) twitter.com/MarthaRaddatz/…
Weird “leak.” I’m all for generals, but if you wanted Flynn you wouldn’t leak McChrystal name. Anti-Flynn “sources”? abcn.ws/29wZndo
Does HIllary approve? Awkward question for her, no? twitter.com/SissyWillis/st…
“[A] kind of Gresham’s Law of advocacy whereby bolder claims drive out more prudent ones.” Over to you, Prof. Peri on.ft.com/29uMzBU
.#writingonwall Summers more anti-globalist than expected. twitter.com/41jellis/statu…
Of course possible Trump’s just letting Gen. Flynn sell his new book. But logic of picking a general is powerful >> kausfiles.com/2016/07/09/a-v…
Remember, it was only a “curveball” if you are reading @costareports and not @dmartosko twitter.com/PhilipRucker/s…
Flynn sounds tough on immig Has he passed Coulter test? anncoulter.com/columns/2016-0… His abortion answer fumfawing though
Trump VP Flynn Candidate Corrects ABC’s Raddatz: It’s ‘Illegal,’ ‘If They’re Here Illegally,’ Not Undocumented
Ryan Plummets to 43 Percent vs. primary foe. Just an internal poll. Nothing for Ryan to worry about. Ask @EricCantor
Note Ryan challenger phrases attack in anticorporate left-friendly terms. Why? Open primary. Dem crossover potential
This looks like a successful event by Ryan’s primary challenger. Modified Dave Brat playbook.
Simpler, non-ideological, non-Ryan entitlement solution: 1) Leave structure 2) Means-test 3) You’re done. twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
Trump “allergy to public policy” makes him “hesitant 2 engage in entitlmnt reform” (Ryan vouchers) #caseforallergies politico.com/agenda/story/2…
If you’re selling something, and you can eliminate the #1 buyers’ objection to it, wouldn’t you do that? kausfiles.com/2016/07/09/a-v…
Some good comments here kausfiles.com/2016/07/09/a-v… “Perception that he wld do something dangerou & irresponsible, is the #1 objection to him.”
Trump has a special reason to want a general as VP #finger #button kausfiles.com/2016/07/09/a-v…
Damn. Now they all look like Webb Hubbell to me … twitter.com/davidfrum/stat…
Maybe there should be a statute of limitations on the Mike Douglas Show. But @TheLloydGrove has more recent stories twitter.com/davidfrum/stat…
For @realDonaldTrump eyes only: Here’s @joniernst on your temporary Muslim ban usofarn.com/2015/12/10/jon… (“ludicrous … inflammatory”)
Everything Ernst says fits the template of a Rubio-style donor-pleaser itching to support amnesty-first bill dailycaller.com/2014/10/29/kau…
Martosko has been pointing to Flynn for weeks. twitter.com/dmartosko/stat…
Flynn has one word that’d be kryptonite against any Dem impulses to impeach Trump: “Ledeen” businessinsider.com/donald-trump-m… twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…