DT-“So Ford is leaving. You see that-their small car division leaving. Thousands of jobs leaving Mich., leaving Ohi… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
DT-“So Ford is leaving. You see that-their small car division leaving. Thousands of jobs leaving Mich., leaving Ohi… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
@kausmickey @alexburnsNYT But in fact, thousands are leaving when you consider thousands of potential job openings
@kausmickey This is about as persuasive as your confident predictions that Trump will make great inroads with black voters. Be well.
@kausmickey @alexburnsNYT Boy…Trump derangement syndrome is an ugly and angry condition. Especially amongst an unbiased press.
@kausmickey @alexburnsNYT and for those that stay the reduction in supply reduces wages/growth. At least Carlos Slim will make a profit!!
@kausmickey @alexburnsNYT but they try and tell us Michigan is rebuilt