Move of division (& mfr. in general) to Mex means fewer US mfr. jobs in next decade. That’s @ worst “arguable.” Not… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
Move of division (& mfr. in general) to Mex means fewer US mfr. jobs in next decade. That’s @ worst “arguable.” Not… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
@kausmickey I read that Trump was “Eviscerated” and “Decimated” by some comedian already, so I’m sure the point is irrelevant.
@kausmickey What you’re saying is not what Trump said, as you well know.
@kausmickey @alexburnsNYT what about tier 2 jobs? even if tier 1 headcount flat, parts makers change when new model starts
@kausmickey @alexburnsNYT And next spike in fuel costs will means fewer trucks. Plus slowly means suppliers layoff workforce here
@kausmickey @alexburnsNYT When trucks sales slow…Ford not moving car production back to US
@kausmickey @alexburnsNYT This is a slow strategy to end union and eventually offshore US auto production
@kausmickey @alexburnsNYT Lame argument from liberals. Millions upon millions of jobs have been off-shored since NAFTA, hence blue collar
@JoeyA_Incognito @kausmickey Fact Check: False. 10% of Trump’s staff was not slain and his viscera are still inside him. Literalism.
@alexburnsNYT @kausmickey Many of Trump’s lies in the debate are not necessarily lies if you dive deep into ontology…
@kausmickey @alexburnsNYT Trump hit a bullseye with his NAFTA & jobs talk. Watch PA & Michigan polls. https://t.co/K0EKv26KWE
@QA_NJ @kausmickey Oh thank god.
@alexburnsNYT @kausmickey you are saying total loss of small car manufacturing will mean no loss of jobs? That is not credible spin.
@alexburnsNYT @kausmickey Not only jobs, but much more pollution b/c less stringent environmental laws.
@alexburnsNYT @kausmickey Move a division of major manufacturer to MX and not lose thousands of jobs? GMAB.
@alexburnsNYT @kausmickey the only thing fact-checking shows me is how ruthlessly pedantic MSM is to disfavored narratives
@alexburnsNYT @kausmickey Unless someone says “Trump is literally Hitler” – that one skips through just fine!