45 The New York Times has a very sophisticated definition of “sex tape.” nyti.ms/2d1502T Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey @nytimes Might not be a “tape” but she’s on a pot site. Just type her name + porn and you will see for yourself
@kausmickey @nytimes I think Donald removing their power of saying reality shows matter in politics. They are saying reality TV sex not porn
@kausmickey I’m surprised HRC’s team haven’t asked the media to quickly ‘withdraw’ this story, before they and the lady are discredited.
@kausmickey @nytimes The NYT does not have a shred of honesty when it comes to Trump stories! They are pure satire. Mad magazine is better!
@kausmickey @nytimes Nobody is reading the nyt but progressives.
@kausmickey That’s what ganging up is all about – THREE “REPORTERS”!
@kausmickey @nytimes Or, alternate title – as the man said: As America Sleeps, Donald Trump Watches Over US
@kausmickey eeewwww Some things you can’t un-see”
They just wind that article all around, don’t they? I guess reporting old tweets is the new journalism?
@kausmickey #WhatABunchofPeople #FollowTheMoney #CrookedHillary
@kausmickey just wondering how clinton teamed up with such a low life, is a vote worth that much?
@kausmickey @nytimes THE NEW YORK TIMES.. ..MOTTO?