Really? Of all the things 2 worry about re: Trump this seems least likely. Congress v-good at resisting. GOP establ… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
Really? Of all the things 2 worry about re: Trump this seems least likely. Congress v-good at resisting. GOP establ… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
@kausmickey @allahpundit it’s hard to say. Rs are really bad at fighting party loyalty. It’s unnatural. Unity w Dems even harder.
@kausmickey Trump/Cruz are HATED by the Rubio/Bushie/McCain Axis of Evil
@kausmickey @allahpundit
Hardly @GOP congress rolls over for democrats -and only stands up to other republicans –they will be all over DJT
@kausmickey Obstructing Trump will be perilous for GOP pols: they risk getting primaried in 2018. Cruz geeked. They all will. Or retire.
@kausmickey @allahpundit – @GOP Congress has stood up to Obama more than its base to this point? Rolled over on O’care, spending.
@kausmickey Lot depends on the size of hypothetical #DJT victory. If it is Reagan-size (as I think is likely) – Reagan scenario could apply.
This is sarcastic, right @Allahpundit? Because GOP only rolls over for Dems. Many hate Trump, being idiot #NeverTrumps